Characters, places, etc

 I just wrote a list of 100 people I've known, that I could write something about. It's interesting, because I realize I've known quite a selection of people at least fairly well. I'm not publishing my list, because I want to keep it private, but it's interesting to remember aspects of what I know about them and my relationships to them.

I remembered, as I was writing, some of the things about them, even people I didn't get to know all that well. I got quite an outline of their lives. I've known murderers, rape victims, abuse victims, suicides, people who have had very difficult lives. The partners of people who've lost their kids through illness and suicide. There are some hurt people out there, and it got me thinking that my own list of difficulties hasn't been that bad in comparison with some. I've had some difficulties and tragedies in my life, I suppose I could say. But it is interesting to see how others lives have fared.

I think I'll write a list of places I know next.


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